ActionNYC offers free, safe immigration legal help in your community and in your language.
Learn more about your immigration options today!
To make an appointment:
Call 1-800-354-0365 between 9AM-6PM, Monday – Friday OR call 311 and say “ActionNYC”
What is ActionNYC?
ActionNYC is free, safe, and a secure legal immigration help for New Yorkers.
What is happening with expanded DACA and DAPA?
In 2015, DAPA and Expanded DACA were temporarily put on hold by the Supreme Court following a lawsuit brought by a group of states against the Obama Administration. They remain on hold following the Supreme Court’s decision in June 2016 on the President’s executive actions on immigration. Because of this litigation, DAPA and Expanded DACA are not available for applications at this time. The original DACA program remains available for eligible immigrants.
What happens since Expanded DACA and DAPA are not moving forward?
It is still important to meet with an immigration attorney about your options. ActionNYC continues to move forward as its goal is to help all New Yorkers navigate the legal landscape as it stands.
How do I make an ActionNYC appointment?
Call 1-800-354-0365 between 9AM-6PM, Monday – Friday OR call 311 and say “ActionNYC”