Employment Services
Center for Family Life’s Adult Employment Program serves residents of Sunset Park and neighboring Brooklyn communities who are 18 and older, unemployed or underemployed, and seeking full-time work. All of our services are free, currently being offered online, and offered in both Spanish and English.
Impact Statement
Clients Participated in Job Readiness Activities
Job Placements
Students Enrolled in ESOL Classes
Participants Received Case Management Services in Calendar Year 2021
Our services include:
- Skills Assessment and Soft Skill Development
- Virtual Resume and Cover Letter Assistance
- Interviewing Skills development and direct referrals to interviews
- One on One consultation with Employment Counselors and Job Developer
- Direct referrals to interviews
- Invitations to Virtual Job Fairs
Meet with a qualified, caring employment counselor to discuss employment and other immediate service needs.
- Work with an experienced job developer to identify appropriate opportunities matching your skills, experience and interests.
- Put yourself on a track to success
- Receive interview referrals and schedule review sessions after each interview.
We currently offer various sessions both during morning and evening hours, and at various levels. Check our facebook page for announcements about upcoming classes.
- Referrals to hard and soft skills, training, and other educational services
- Financial Counseling
- Free Tax Preparation
- Health Insurance and Benefits Application
- Assistance with Unemployment Claims
- Ongoing workshops about Tenant’s Immigrants and Workers’ Rights, as well as COVID-19 information
- Case management services for recent immigrants
We work with local and Citywide employers to assist them find qualified applicants. Our screening and assessment process reduces the time to find the most qualified, reliable and motivated employees. From warehouse to clerical, facilities maintenance to healthcare, our program participants are fully pre-screened, and we do our best to match them appropriately according to the needs of the employer and their interests, work experience, language abilities, skills, and education level.
Are you looking for a great employee? Would you like to save time and money and reduce turnover? We currently have clients and community members who are prescreened, qualified, and eager to learn about employment opportunities. If you are an employer who is looking for qualified candidates, please email Employment Specialist, Laura Cohen at L.Cohen@centerforfamilylife.org