Learn About Our Neighborhood

Sunset Park is a diverse and densely populated neighborhood in South Brooklyn of 130,783 individuals. Thirty-nine percent of residents are Latino, 31% are Asian, 24% are white, and 3% are African-American. For decades, Sunset Park has been a first destination for waves of new immigrants from around the world; a home where families in poverty seek economic stability and social networks as they build new lives in the United States. Although 18% of residents and 23% of neighborhood children still live below the poverty line, Sunset Park is a neighborhood characterized by cultural vibrancy, mutual aid, and the building of communities.

Nearly half of Sunset Park residents were born outside the United States, coming to New York from the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Central America, China, the Middle East and Europe – making Sunset Park one of the most fascinating and lively neighborhoods of New York City. While balancing the difficulties of living in a new country, many recent immigrant families in Sunset Park strive for access to better housing, public benefits, and local education when they arrive. These families courageously confront challenges related to legal status and the loss of power, privilege, and social networks, and simultaneously  honor their heritage amidst the backdrop of American culture.

With a population of nearly 35,000 children and youth under the age of 18, Sunset Park is filled with eager young minds who want and deserve a quality education. The first public high school in Sunset Park opened in 2009, thanks to decades of advocacy by community members, such as the staff and participants at Center for Family Life. However, the majority of middle and high school students still travel outside the community to attend school, and one third of adults in Sunset Park did not graduate from high school. These issues around access and advantage are a testament to the untapped potential within some facets of the community, and many children and adults continue to seek out educational and enrichment opportunities as a result. At Center for Family Life, we feel that the strength and character of the community is self-evident, manifesting itself among us every day. Thousands of Sunset Park residents use their vision, voice, and the support they receive to demonstrate remarkable resilience and hope. The vitality of Sunset Park and its families remind us that when inequity is remedied and addressed, human potential becomes limitless.

To find community level data and interactive maps for Sunset Park, Brooklyn, visit the New York City Department of City Planning’s  local Community District 7 Profile.

Map of Sunset Park