Our Mission

Our mission is to promote positive outcomes for children and adults in Sunset Park through the provision of a comprehensive range of neighborhood-based family and social services. Sunset Park is a densely populated, low-income neighborhood with a large percentage of recent immigrants. As such, the Center offers access to resources that families need to thrive, including family counseling, cultural, educational, and recreational programs at neighborhood public schools, adult and youth employment programs, and an emergency storefront for food and advocacy. In partnership with our community, we provide opportunities for personal development, enrich neighborhood residents’ quality of life, and nurture relationships that sustain families and support youth in becoming confident, capable adults.

Poverty, inadequate educational opportunities, and limited access to employment are a few of the enormous challenges confronted by Sunset Park residents. At our Center, we have witnessed the powerful human struggle to overcome such challenges, as well as the creativity and productivity of the residents who form our vibrant community. The Center’s work is rooted in daily, lived experience and guided by a vision of families and social institutions in an ever-evolving cycle of mutual sustenance and collaborative growth. We dedicate ourselves to this service because we believe that the social inequity impacting the residents of Sunset Park is deeply unjust. As inequity is eliminated in our community, human potential becomes limitless.